Jan-Sören Wörmer Personalentwicklung

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Outplacement coaching

You have to terminate the contract of an employee but you want a fair
and balanced way to cut the rope. You think it would be best for all if the
employee is prepared and ready to work someplace else as soon as possible?
You know how difficult german labor law could be – so you want to avoid an
escalation of conflict?
Outplacement coaching could be of great help for both conflicting parties.
Outplacement is known as a huge and expensive product offered by special
vendors to big companies. Very often a smaller but pragmatic approach is
more than enough. A few conversations with an external but experienced
person can help to let go the past and be ready for the future. Followed
by hands on support on how to apply for a new position. This service is the
more useful the longer the employee has been in your company. Very often
has that been the last time he or she has applied for a job.
Outplacement could be an element of the termination package adding value
for the employee and providing the employer with an additional offer beside
money. Plus outplacement often helps to avoid escalations during the proces
of leaving your company. Please note that we are prepared to offer support in
how to apply with a German “Lebenslauf” or with an international CV.

Personalentwicklung aus einer Hand | jswoermer@aol.com

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